Why My Mother Fights Soldiers

Why My Mother Fights Soldiers

My Mother sells food on the way to the Barracks, 9 years now.
Whenever Soldiers aren’t coming to the restaurant they’ll be leaving. Some tall, some short. They all have one thing in common: They never know what they want to eat. Oh yeah, and they are ugly. So that’s two things
They walk in and the conversation always goes like this:
Soldier: Mama Mangie, how you dey?
Mother: Fine o. How body?
Soldier: E dey cloth. Wetin you get abeg?
Mother: Rice, Beans, Eba, Semo, fish, egg, meat sef dey
Soldier: Okay, give me Fufu
Mother: *puzzled that she never mentioned Fufu*: Fufu no dey o
Soldier: Okay, Wetin you get?
Mother: *Angry that she has to list all the food she has, again. She lists them*
Soldier: Okay, you know wetin? No worry. Just give me Spaghetti

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One Reply to “Why My Mother Fights Soldiers”

  1. I’m not surprised they don’t know what to eat or they’re ugly. Just regular Nigerians. Bunch of clueless misfits armed with rifles.

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